Staying Active Together If you are supporting someone living with dementia, exercising together can improve functional independence, reduce stress, improve mood,...
Daylight Savings Time and the Affects on Persons Living with Memory Loss For most of us in the United Stares, we will be “falling back” on Sunday, November 3rd as daylight savings time comes to an end. This...
Dementia: A Misunderstood Disability A person living with and without a disability wants to experience a sense of belonging, feel accepted, and have a valued and meaningful...
Seniors, Scams, and the Relationship to Dementia Sadly, seniors are vulnerable to scams, especially financial fraud. According to the FBI, scammers target older people and successfully...
Communicating Effectively with Someone Living with Dementia Supporting an individual with cognitive challenges has its difficulties. The brain’s ability to process and respond to information...
Health Benefits of Journaling “Journaling is mindfulness in motion,” according to Lisann Valentin, a Shamic life coach, and can be your best wellness tool to ease...
Subtle Signs of Early Symptoms of Dementia The Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) defines dementia as a “general term for the impaired ability to remember, think, or...
Time to Act Since 2012, September has been recognized as World Alzheimer’ month. The theme for 2024 is “Time to Act on Dementia, Time to Act on...
Celebrating Grandparents Day on Sunday In 1978, President Jimmy Carter signed a proclamation creating National Grandparents Day to honor and show love for the older generations...