Benefits of Rocking Chair Therapy and Dementia My love of rocking began on the back porch of my grandmother’s Tennessee home. We didn’t have a rocking chair at my house, but...
Using Photos to Stimulate Memories for Someone Living With Dementia Photographs can be a powerful tool to engage someone living with dementia. Looking at photos together can create connections, strengthen...
Common Myths about Aging Aging is a journey. We all want to maintain a positive attitude and feel good about ourselves by keeping fit and healthy. But often, the...
Are You a Constant Corrector? Letting Go of Being Right with People Living with Dementia Imagine being told several times every day that you are incorrect about a statement, perception, date, place, or a simple memory. Imagine...
Tackling Procrastination to Avoid Dangerous Consequences When Caregiving One of the worst enemies for caregivers is procrastination. It may be something as simple as delaying a trip to the grocery to get their...
Tips for Staying Active The need for daily physical exercise is important for overall health and well-being. When someone is providing constant care for someone...
Nurturing the Spirit of Persons Living with Memory Loss Spiritual and social connectedness is key to our overall well-being. This is especially true for persons living with memory loss. Creating...
A Caregiver’s Poem Blessed are They Blessed are they who with a cheery smile will stop to chat for a little while. Blessed are they who never say “You’ve...
10 Common Myths About Aging Aging is a journey. We all want to maintain a positive attitude and feel good about ourselves by keeping fit and healthy. But often the...