The Changing Roles of Grandparents This past Sunday, the National Day of Service and Remembrance was observed to honor the nearly 3,000 deaths and thousands of innocent...
Benefits of Time Outdoors for Those Living with Dementia There is growing interest and evidence that spending time outdoors can contribute to a healthy lifestyle, especially for those living with...
Up-Coming Family and Friends Workshops to Support a Loved-one Living with Dementia The following free in-person workshops are designed to support family members and friends of a loved one living with dementia. These...
Gardening: It’s more than planting a seed: The therapeutic benefits You may recall the popular book by Robert Fulghum All I Really Need to Know I Learned in Kindergarten. “Be aware of wonder. Remember...
Stepping into Your Loved-Ones Reality: Is it lying or compassion? Who doesn’t enjoy being surrounded by people who make you feel understood and supported? The need to be validated is important to...
Living in the Present and Savoring Each Moment Live in the moment, just take it all in. Pay attention to everything, right there and right then. Don’t let your mind wander to...
Hoarding, Hiding, or Helping? When objects go missing Dementia or Alzheimer’s disease not only affects memory, but because of the changes in the brain, someone living with memory loss also...
The Relationship between Hearing Loss and Dementia Studies show that people who have difficulty with hearing are at a higher risk of developing dementia. After following over 600 adults who...
Promoting Independence at Mealtimes for People Living with Dementia Sometimes people lose interest in food. Certain medications can also affect appetite. To encourage healthy eating and maintaining...