Protecting Your Loved-one from Information Overload When you are caring for someone with a chronic illness, minimizing stress and anxiety makes for a healthier emotional environment for all....
Nurturing the Spiritual Needs of Persons Living with Memory Loss Spiritual and social connectedness are key to our overall well-being. This is especially true for persons living with memory loss. Creating...
Adapting Games to Ensure Success for People with Memory Loss I am often asked what are some good activities for someone with dementia, and my response is always the same; any activity. The secret,...
Communicating Effectively with Someone Living with Dementia Supporting an individual with cognitive challenges has its difficulties. The brain’s ability to process and respond to information...
Ways Dehydration Affects the Brain As the summer temperatures heat up, it is more important than ever to drink water! Most health-conscious individuals are aware that staying...
Common Myths about Aging Aging is a journey. We all want to maintain a positive attitude and feel good about ourselves by keeping fit and healthy. Too often, the...
Are You a Constant Corrector? Letting Go of Being Right with People Living with Dementia Imagine being told several times every day that you are incorrect about a statement, perception, date, place, or a simple memory. Imagine...
FUMC Memory Café Do you have a family member experiencing memory loss due to dementia? You and your family member are invited to join us on Monday mornings...
Meaningful Conversations with Someone with Dementia Communication is simply the act of sharing information with one another. It might be an expression of a need, or a more complex...