Music & Fine Arts

Music & Fine Arts

We offer opportunities for musicians of all ages and skill levels in our Fine Arts Ministries. We hope you will connect with our Fine Arts Ministry on Facebook. Contact Karen Buie for more information.

Adult Choirs & Handbells
Adult Choirs & Handbells

Chancel Choir (Karen Buie)
Young adults through senior adults who love to sing are encouraged to participate. Weekly rehearsals take place Wednesday evenings at 7:30pm.

Joyful Ringers (Karen Buie)
Adults and/or youth with varying levels of experience are welcome to participate in this handbell ensemble. The group includes experienced ringers as well as first-time ringers. Weekly rehearsals take place on Tuesday afternoons at 5pm.

Handbell Ringers and Singers (Matthew Corl)
Musicians in eleventh grade through adults may audition to participate. Ringing experience is helpful. Weekly rehearsals for Ringers and Singers are on Wednesday evenings at 6:30.

Contemporary Worship Band
Contemporary Worship Band

9:30am & 11am Worship Band (Jeremy Hearn)

Our contemporary worship team consists of singers, guitarists, keyboardists, drummers, and others of all skills and backgrounds.

Opportunities for Children

Kids PRAISE Choir & Kids Chimes (Diana Russell)

Students in kindergarten through fifth grade are welcome to participate. Kids PRAISE meet on Wednesdays from 4pm – 5:45pm. Kids Chimes welcomes those children in Kids PRAISE that are in third through fifth grade. They rehearse from 5:15pm – 5:45pm.

Opportunities for Youth
Opportunities for Youth

Youth Choir (Karen Buie)

Students in sixth through twelfth grade are invited to participate. Our Youth Choir meets on Sunday mornings from 9:15am – 10am. No experience or registration is required.

Youth Handbells (Matthew Corl)

Students in sixth through twelfth grade with some ringing experience are invited to participate. Weekly rehearsals take place on Wednesdays from 5pm – 5:30pm.

Youth Worship Band (Brandon Caudill)

Students in sixth through twelfth grade are invited to participate.

Upcoming Events

Contact Our Leaders

Karen Buie

Co-Director of Music and Fine Arts

Matthew Corl

Co-Director of Music and Fine Arts

Jeremy Hearn

Director of Contemporary Worship

Diana Russell

Kids Praise Coordinator

Brandon Caudill

Contemporary Worship Assistant

Marcie Loher

Administrative Assistant (Music)