Promoting Independence at Mealtimes for People Living with Dementia Sometimes people lose interest in food. Certain medications can also affect appetite. To encourage healthy eating and maintaining...
Benefits of Rocking Chair Therapy and Dementia My love of rocking began on the back porch of my grandmother’s Tennessee home. We didn’t have a rocking chair at my house, but...
Using Photos to Stimulate Memories for Someone Living With Dementia Photographs can be a powerful tool to engage someone living with dementia. Looking at photos together can create connections, strengthen...
Common Myths about Aging Aging is a journey. We all want to maintain a positive attitude and feel good about ourselves by keeping fit and healthy. But often, the...
Are You a Constant Corrector? Letting Go of Being Right with People Living with Dementia Imagine being told several times every day that you are incorrect about a statement, perception, date, place, or a simple memory. Imagine...
Tackling Procrastination to Avoid Dangerous Consequences When Caregiving One of the worst enemies for caregivers is procrastination. It may be something as simple as delaying a trip to the grocery to get their...
Tips for Staying Active The need for daily physical exercise is important for overall health and well-being. When someone is providing constant care for someone...