The Season of Lent Lent is a time of preparation and reflection leading up to Easter. People frequently decide to make sacrifices or add additional service...
Do You Want The Truth? Devotional Guide Monday: In Matthew 8:5-13, we find a remarkable story of faith that astounds Jesus. A centurion, a Roman officer in charge of a hundred...
Do You Want The Truth? (Rev. Dr. Charley Reeb) Have you ever tried to guess where people are from by the way they talk? The other day I was chatting with a nurse about her husband who...
When Dad Insists Mom is Just Forgetful As we age, our bodies go through many changes, including changes in the brain. Often a spouse will notice subtle changes in his/her loved...
Keep the Faith: When You’re Impatient Devotional Guide Monday: Read Jeremiah 29:11. If life doesn’t make sense to you right now and you are impatient with God, take that verse into your heart...
Keep the Faith: When You Fail (Rev. Dr. Charley Reeb) I want to begin today by telling you my message in four words. These four words sum up one of the key messages of our faith – failure...
Keep the Faith: When You Fail Devotional Guide Monday: Read James 1:3-4. It seems a bit ridiculous for the writer of James to tell us to consider our trials and failures as “nothing...
Keep the Faith: When You Can’t Find a Way (Rev. Dr. Charley Reeb) If B.B. King had written a book of the Bible it would have been Lamentations. It contains five poems of cries, regrets and pain. It is...
Understand Wandering, Being Lost, and Dementia The wizard Gandalf, in JRR Tolkien’s book The Fellowship of the Rings, wrote a letter to the hobbit Froto explaining the riddle of...