When Your Nets Are Empty Devotional Guide

Rev. Dr. Charley Reeb   -  

Luke 5:1-11 As you meditate on this scripture, consider the themes of obedience, faith, and calling. Jesus invites us to trust him beyond our understanding and to respond to his call in our lives.

Questions for Reflection

Monday: Have you ever experienced a moment when you felt called to step out of your comfort zone? What was that experience like, and how did you respond?

Tuesday: In the passage, Simon Peter obeys Jesus despite his initial doubts. What are some areas in your life where you feel God is asking you to take a step of faith?

Wednesday: The disciples had been fishing all night without success. How does this story encourage you to trust God in situations where you feel you’ve tried everything and are still struggling?

Thursday: Jesus calls the disciples to a greater purpose. What do you believe God is calling you to do in your life right now? Are there specific ways you can begin to pursue that calling?

Friday: Consider the importance of community in this passage, as the disciples worked together. How can you foster deeper relationships within your community or church to support one another in following Christ? Saturday: The disciples left everything to follow Jesus. What might you need to let go of in your life to fully embrace the path God has for you?

Closing Thought

As you go about your day, remember that Jesus is always inviting you to trust him and follow his lead. Embrace the adventure that comes from being a disciple, and watch how he transforms your life and the lives of those around you.