A Dangerous Sermon Devotional Guide

Rev. Dr. Charley Reeb   -  

Monday: Read Matthew 20:1-16. What surprises you about Jesus’ parable of the laborers in the vineyard? What did you find challenging and why?

Tuesday: Read Matthew 20:8-16. How does this parable conflict with society’s understanding of what is fair? What does that tell you about the Kingdom of God?

Wednesday: Read 1st Timothy 1:12-17. Think of a time when you experienced the grace of God. Do you think God’s grace is fair? Why or why not?

Thursday: Read Matthew 5. What kingdom values found in the Sermon on the Mount conflict with the values of society?

Friday: Read Luke 4:14-30. Why do you think the message of the parable in Matthew 20 and similar messages of Jesus found in Luke 4 got him into so much trouble? Do you think the message of this sermon is still dangerous to preach today? Why or why not?