The Shepherd Empowers Us Devotional Guide

Rev. Dr. Charley Reeb   -  

Verse: “You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies; you anoint my head with oil; my cup overflows.”

Monday: The first part of this verse speaks of the exhaustive, careful preparation of an area for sheep to feed. A good shepherd scouts out the area to ensure that enemies are not present and poisonous plants will not be consumed. Contemplate the significance of God preparing a table before you. Just like a host prepares a table for their guests, God goes before us and makes provisions for our needs. Meditate on the fact that God’s provision is not limited or hindered by the presence of enemies. Trust that He is able to provide for you abundantly, regardless of the challenges you may face. What challenges or “enemies” do you face today and how will you trust God with these challenges?

Tuesday: A scholar has suggested another interesting way to understand verse 5. When verse 5 states, “You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies,” David was saying, “Lord, you give me all I need to be victorious in the face of my enemies.” Can you think of a time when God provided what you needed in the midst of adversity?

Wednesday: Today, consider the symbolism of God anointing your head with oil. In terms of shepherd imagery, shepherds often put ointment on sheep to heal their wounds and soothe irritating skin ailments. In biblical times, anointing with oil was a sign of blessing, consecration, and empowerment. Reflect on how God’s anointing brings healing, restoration, and strength to your life. Allow the image of God pouring his anointing oil over you to remind you of his love, mercy and strength. How does the image help you?

Thursday: When David said that his cup overflows, he was, in effect, saying to the Lord, “You have anointed me with oil. And through this anointing you have given me the strength, vibrancy, and confidence that I need to defeat my enemies.” This idea is similar to the verse we find in Nehemiah 8:10, “The joy of the Lord is my strength.” The goodness and love that the Lord lavishes upon us gives us such unspeakable joy. This joy provides all the strength we need to face the challenges of life. How does joy give you strength for living?

Friday: Reflect on the lessons learned throughout the week about God’s provision and presence. Evaluate areas of your life where you may be struggling to trust in God’s faithfulness. Surrender any doubts or fears to him and reaffirm your trust in his ability to provide for you, even in the presence of enemies. What has been the most important lesson you have learned from Psalm 23:5?