Benefits of Creating Art

Vicky Pitner   -  

Art expression fosters creativity and captures emotions, encourages self-discovery and promotes healing. Writing poetry, journaling, doodling, dancing, listening or playing music are all helpful ways to communicate and express feelings, especially during difficult times.

Anyone can create something meaningful and connect with others and help make sense of your world. By engaging with the heart, mind, and soul, compassion and empathy can be elevated, not just for yourself, but for others. Creative expression can improve self confidence, and help us understand ourselves better.  Studies have shown making or participating in any means of expression, has positive effects on our health by reducing blood pressure, bolstering our immune system, improve brain cognition, relieve stress, improve depression, and reduce anxiety.

Expressive art can create connections by sharing a sense of belonging and developing stronger bonds with others. Creativity motivates us toward achieving goals, activate a sense of confidence and innovative thinking. A holistic approach such as using different art activities to address underlining feelings can bring happiness, and an improved mood.

To find more satisfaction in your life, exploring creative art activities is a great place to begin. You don’t always have to “create” something, but finding ways to create more peace and calm in your life can be as simple as a walk outdoors and appreciating nature, taking time to notice the beauty around you. Setting art related goals such as starting a gratitude journal and recognizing one thing you are grateful for each day can jumpstart new healthy habits.

What childhood hobbies or interests can you revive? Perhaps playing a musical instrument, building things, or collecting items that have meaning. It doesn’t take a lot of materials or even high costs to begin exploring ways to bring more awareness of your feelings and thoughts to the surface. Creative arts is about the process, not the product, so anything you do can to express yourself in some way will improve your overall wellbeing.

If you would like more information on our Memory Ministry or Memory Café please contact Vicky at