Keep the Faith: When You’re Impatient Devotional Guide

Rev. Dr. Charley Reeb   -  

Monday: Read Jeremiah 29:11. If life doesn’t make sense to you right now and you are impatient with God, take that verse into your heart and trust God. God has not denied you. Perhaps God is trying to teach you something or time his promise to affect the greatest amount of people. Maybe your experience will help someone else down the road. God’s silence does not mean he has given up on you. A delay does not mean denial. What are you waiting for today that you need to be in. God’s hands?

Tuesday: Read 2nd Peter 3:8-9. Someone once said, “Often we want God’s resources, but we don’t want his timing. We want his hand, but we don’t want his calendar. We forget his work in us while we wait is as important as what it is you’re waiting for. Waiting means I must trust that God knows what he’s doing.” Have you ever thought about waiting on God in that way? Does it change your perspective?

Wednesday: Read Proverbs 3:5-6. Submitting to God in all our ways means being prepared to go wherever he may be leading us, even if we don’t like it. Trusting God means even if you don’t see a way, you know in your heart God will make a way. He will remove the obstacles. That’s what it means when it says God will make your paths straight. Can you think of a time in your life when God provided a way when you didn’t see a way?

Thursday: Today write down a prayer to God that expresses your impatience. Tell God everything. This prayer is just between you and God. Be sure to put a date on the prayer. Now go to your calendar and find February 1st, 2025. On that date write a reminder to go back to the prayer you wrote today and write down below it how God answered it. This is a good practice that strengthens our faith in God.

Friday: Remember: God’s delays do not mean denials; faith in God includes faith in his timing; when things seem to be falling apart, they just might be falling into place. How will you apply these lessons in your life today?