Contemplating a New Year’s Resolution?

Vicky Pitner   -  

As 2024 comes to an end, many resolve to change something in their life. Often, it is a pledge, decision or desire to stop a negative behavior such as smoking, or lose weight, when actually our brains respond much better to positive ideas rather than negative concepts.

Providing support for someone living with dementia can be stressful and feel overwhelming at times. By practicing self-determination, self-care, and positive self-talk, your confidence level improves and helps to believe in positive outcomes. Below are some tips to consider:

  1. Rather than trying to “stop” correcting or arguing with your loved one, perhaps resolve to “being more compassionate.”
  2. Instead of “wishing” your family member wasn’t so restless, bored, or confused, consider engaging in an activity such as yoga, art, music, dance, sensory stimulation, or reminiscence. These type of activities address the whole body and can help your loved one feel more comfortable and improve quality of life for both of you. You could create a “gratitude” journal together. Studies show that people who practice gratitude are happier than those who do not.
  3. Practice positive self-talk. It can boost self-confidence and helps us to believe that we can create successful outcomes.
  4. Be kinder to yourself. Avoid the trap of thinking about all the imperfections you may feel and reflect “on the good things you do.
  5. Be intentional and write things down. Recognize the things you can’t control and tackle the things you can. This can help minimize stress.
  6. Spend time with your family members and friends that are supportive and let go of those who criticize you or never offers help.
  7. Continue to learn new strategies to address any changes in your loved one.
  8. Assess all aspects of your life and focus on positive changes in each area. Resolve to do “mother and daughter outings” or ‘husband and wife” activities.
  9. Try respite care, whether in-home or in a local facility. A four hour or eight hour respite a couple of times a week, or a weekend respite is key for maintaining a positive relationship with your loved one. You can use an agency, or perhaps one or two friends could stay with your loved one to give you a break to do something for yourself.
  10. Join a support group. Belonging to a group that shares your same struggles can help with learning strategies and promote overall well-being.

If you would like more information about our Memory Ministry, or our Monday morning Memory Cafe please contact Vicky at