Wesleyan Rooted: Love Actively Devotional Guide

Rev. Andy Whitaker Smith   -  

Day 1: Faith and Works. James 2:14-17

Reflect on the relationship between faith and action. Consider how our faith is shown through what we do. Faith and actions are intertwined. True faith naturally expresses itself through good deeds. Consider how you manifest your faith in your everyday actions.

  • How are faith and action related?
  • In a discipleship context, can you have one without the other?

Think of one person you know who needs a word of encouragement. Send a card or email.

Day 2: Love as a Means of Grace. 1 John 3:16-18

Explore how acts of love are means of grace, rather than attempts to earn God’s love.

God’s love is freely given. Our acts of love are responses to this grace, not efforts to earn it. Reflect on how your good deeds are a way of sharing God’s grace.

  • How are acts of love means of grace, rather than works to earn God’s love?

Clean out a drawer or closet. What do you have in excess that you can share with those in need? Take these items to a church or community organization that distributes supplies to people experiencing financial insecurity.

Day 3: Active vs. Inactive Faith. James 2:18-20

Ponder on the concept of “inactive faith” and its implications.

Inactive faith is an oxymoron. Genuine faith compels us to action. Think about areas in your life where your faith could become more active.

  • Can there be such a thing as “inactive faith”? Why or why not?

This week, pledge to do one act of random love each day. Write down what you do each day. At the end of the week bring it to worship and place it in the offering plate (anonymously) as an offering to God.

Day 4: The Call to Active Faith. James 2:26

Discuss the idea that “faith without works is dead” and how this applies to everyday life.

Works do not save us, but they demonstrate a living, active faith. Reflect on how your actions show evidence of your faith.

  • What do you think the New Testament book of James means when it says, “faith without works is dead”?

Pick one day this week to skip lunch (as long as it is safe for your health to do so) as a way of being in solidarity with food insecure persons in your community.

Day 5: Doing the Will of God.  Matthew 7:21

Reflect on what it means to do the will of God and not just profess faith.

True discipleship involves action, not just words. Reflect on how you can align your actions more closely with God’s will.

  • What did Jesus mean when he said, “Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord’, will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only the one who does the will of my Father in heaven.”

Be creative…find some way to surprise your world with God’s love this week.