Wesleyan Rooted: Grow Deeply Devotional Guide

Rev. Kim DuBreuil   -  

Day 1: Understanding God’s Love 1 John 4:7

Reflect on the unconditional love God has for you. God’s love is the example we should follow. Think about ways in which you have experienced God’s love in your life.

• What does it mean to love as God loves?

• How is love an act of God’s grace rather than simply human effort?

Meditate on 1 John 4:7. Ask God how you can embody this love in your daily interactions. Spend 10 minutes in silence, listening for God’s guidance.

Day 2: Love Through Grace 1 John 4:16b

Consider how growing in love is not solely based on your efforts but on God’s grace. It’s through His grace that we can truly understand and live out love.

• How is growing in love an act of God’s grace, rather than simply human effort or willpower?

• What are practices you/we can do so God can bring about growth in love?

Contemplate 1 John 4:16b. Write down or create a piece of art expressing this verse.

Spend 10 minutes asking God to deepen your understanding of His love.

Day 3: Love as a Way of Life John 13:34b-35

Reflect on how love is more than a feeling—it’s a way of life. How can love be evident in your actions, decisions, and daily interactions?

• How is love a way of life, as opposed to simply a feeling or emotion?

• What are the characteristics of a person growing in love?

Meditate on John 13:34b-35. Ask God to reveal how you can show His love in practical ways today. Spend 10 minutes in silence, listening for His direction.

Day 4: Love in Action Mark 12:30-31

Reflect on how loving God and loving your neighbor go hand in hand. How can you show love to those around you in tangible ways?

• How are you as an individual (or you as a community) more loving today than one year ago?

• What are your areas of growth when it comes to being more loving?

Commit Mark 12:30-31 to memory. Ask God to show you one thing you can do this week to make His love more visible in the world. Spend 10 minutes in silence, inviting God to speak to you.

Day 5: God’s Love in the World 1 Corinthians 13:13

Think about the impact of love on the world. How would the world be different if we truly lived out the love of God in all we do?

• What stories in the Bible best express the nature of God’s love for you?

• How would the world be different if followers of Jesus were deeply committed to making the love of God visible in the world?

Meditate on 1 Corinthians 13:13. Reflect on God’s love and ask God to show you practical ways to express His love daily. Spend 10 minutes in silence, asking God for His guidance.