Risky Business Devotional Guide

Rev. Dr. Charley Reeb   -  

Monday: Read Matthew 14:22-23. Reflect on the obedience of the disciples as they followed Jesus’ command to get into the boat. Sometimes, following God’s direction can lead us into challenging situations. Consider how obedience is crucial, even in times of solitude or uncertainty. How does this apply to your own life? Are there areas where you feel called to step out in faith?

Tuesday: Read Matthew 14:24-25. The disciples found themselves in a storm, battling strong winds and waves. Life often brings storms that challenge our faith. In these moments, remember that Jesus is aware of our struggles and is with us in our trials. What storms are you facing right now? How can you invite Jesus into those situations?

Wednesday: Read Matthew 14:26. When the disciples saw Jesus walking on the water, their initial reaction was fear. This passage highlights how our perception can be clouded by fear. Jesus reassures them by saying, “Take courage! It is I. Don’t be afraid.” Reflect on the ways God has revealed Himself in your life, especially during fearful moments. How can you train your heart to recognize His presence?

Thursday: Read Matthew 14:28-29. Peter’s request to walk on water is a powerful act of faith. He stepped out of the boat, demonstrating trust in Jesus’ call. What is your “boat” that you need to step out of? Consider what God may be prompting you to do that requires faith.

Friday: Read Matthew 14:30. As Peter walked toward Jesus, he became aware of the wind and began to sink, illustrating how doubt can hinder our faith. When you encounter challenges, remember that it’s natural to feel fear, but the key is to focus on Jesus rather than the storm. In what areas do you feel your faith wavering? How can you refocus on Jesus?

Saturday: Read Matthew 14:31. Jesus immediately reached out to save Peter. This moment shows His compassion and readiness to help. No matter how far you feel you’ve sunk into doubt or fear, Jesus is always there to catch you. Meditate on the times you’ve experienced His saving grace in your life. How can you extend that grace to others?

Sunday: Read Matthew 14:32. When Jesus and Peter returned to the boat, the wind died down. This signifies that Jesus has authority over the storms in our lives. Reflect on the peace that follows when we trust in Him. What storms have calmed in your life due to your faith in Jesus?