Looking for Jesus Devotional Guide

Rev. Dr. Charley Reeb   -  

Monday: Matthew 25:31-40 emphasizes the return of Jesus and His authority as the ultimate judge. It reminds us that history is moving toward a climactic conclusion where Christ will establish His kingdom. This perspective encourages believers to live in anticipation of His return, prompting a life of holiness and purpose. Take time to reflect on your own life and how you can align your actions with your faith.

Action: Ask yourself how you are currently serving others and where you might be able to grow in this area.

Tuesday: The imagery of separating sheep from goats illustrates the reality of divine judgment. Sheep represent the righteous who have lived out their faith through acts of love and service, while goats symbolize those who have neglected these responsibilities. This teaches that faith is not merely an intellectual belief but is demonstrated through actions.

Action: In what way can you demonstrate your faith today?

Wednesday: Jesus identifies Himself with the marginalized and vulnerable, affirming their worth and dignity. This radical idea challenges societal norms and urges believers to recognize Christ in those who are suffering. The passage highlights that serving others, especially those in need, is a fundamental expression of faith.

Action: Be mindful of those around you who are in need. This could include the homeless, the sick, or those in prison. Consider how you can advocate for them or provide support through your local community or church.

Thursday: The mention of the kingdom prepared “since the creation of the world” speaks to God’s eternal plan. It reassures believers that their faithfulness and acts of service have eternal significance. This inheritance is not earned but is a gift of grace for those who follow Christ.

Action: Educate yourself about social issues and the needs in your community. Understanding the systemic issues that contribute to poverty and suffering can empower you to advocate for change.

Friday: Matthew 25:31-40 serves as a powerful reminder of the call to live out our faith through service. By engaging with this scripture, believers are encouraged to look beyond themselves and to see Christ in the needs of others. As you reflect on this passage, let it transform your heart and inspire you to act in love and compassion, embodying the very essence of Christ’s message. This week, challenge yourself to seek opportunities to serve, remembering that in doing so, you are serving Him.

Action: Reflect on how you can incorporate small acts of kindness into your daily routine. It could be as simple as helping a neighbor, volunteering at a local shelter, or spending time with someone who is lonely