God Knows Devotional Guide

Rev. Dr. Charley Reeb   -  

Monday: Read Psalm 139:1-6. Take a moment to thank God for his perfect knowledge of you. Meditate on the truth that God knows everything about you, even the deepest parts of your heart. Ask God to reveal any areas of your life that you need to surrender to him completely. Pray for a deeper understanding of God’s knowledge and wisdom.

Tuesday: Read Psalm 139:7-12. Reflect on the comforting truth that there is nowhere you can go where God is not present. Thank God for his constant presence with you, even in the darkest moments. Pray for a greater awareness of God’s presence in your everyday life. Seek God’s guidance and comfort in any challenging situations you are facing.

Wednesday: Read Psalm 139:13-16. Praise God for his intricate and intentional creation of your life. Reflect on the truth that God has a plan and purpose for you. Ask God to reveal his plan for your life and give you the courage to surrender to his will. Pray for a deeper trust in God and his timing.

Thursday: Read Psalm 139:17-18. Meditate on the overwhelming love of God towards you. Thank God for his thoughts towards you, which are countless and precious. Reflect on how God’s love gives you security and value. Pray for a greater understanding of God’s love and for the ability to love others as he loves you.

Friday: Read Psalm 139:1-18. Spend time in worship, praising God for his attributes mentioned in this psalm. Reflect on the majesty and greatness of God. Ask God to help you live each day with a sense of awe and reverence for him. Pray for a deeper intimacy with God as you continue to study and meditate on Psalm 139.

Discussion Questions:

1. How does the psalmist’s understanding of God’s omniscience and omnipresence impact their relationship with him? How does it influence their view of themselves and their actions?

2. In what ways does the psalmist reflect on the intentional creation of human life? How does this perspective shape their understanding of their own identity and purpose?

3. The psalm emphasizes God’s sovereignty and his thoughts that are higher than our own. How does this challenge our human tendency to rely on our own understanding and control? How can we surrender to God’s plans and trust in his wisdom?

4. The psalm highlights God’s love and care for his people. How does this understanding of God’s love and knowledge of us impact our own sense of worth and value? How can we find comfort and security in God’s constant presence?

5. The psalmist acknowledges human vulnerability and dependence on God. How does this recognition of our limitations and need for guidance resonate with our own experiences? How can we cultivate a posture of humility and reliance on God in our daily lives?