Everyone Gets to Play Devotional Guide

Rev. Kim DuBreuil   -  

Everyone has a role in God’s kingdom, and each spiritual gift is valuable for building up the body of Christ. Consider your gifts and how they can contribute to God’s work. Then, ask yourself, “How can I use my gift to help my community?”

Day 1: Everyone Gets to Play (1 Corinthians 12:4-7) God has endowed us with unique spiritual gifts through the Holy Spirit. These gifts are meant for the common good and to build up the body of Christ. Remember, no gift is more significant than another; every role is vital. Reflect on the idea that you have a pivotal role in God’s plan, and God’s Spirit equips you for a purpose. Prayer: Lord, thank You for the gifts You have given us. Help us to recognize, embrace, and utilize these gifts to serve Your kingdom and enlighten the community. Amen.

Day 2: The Gift of an Apostle (Ephesians 2:19-20) Apostles are pioneers and missionaries sent forth to establish and expand God’s work, often in new territories. They are visionary, often laying the groundwork for future growth. Reflect on how God might inspire you to take bold steps in faith, reach out, and build. Prayer: Lord, guide those who are called to be apostles. Give them the courage, wisdom, and vision to plant and build Your Church. Use them to extend Your kingdom and bring many to know Your love. Amen.

Day 3: The Gift of a Prophet (Jeremiah 1:5) Prophets are God’s spokespersons, called to communicate God’s will and guidance. They often challenge the status quo and call people to repentance. They play a critical role in revealing God’s heart to God’s people. Consider how you might hear God’s voice and share God’s truth, bringing comfort and direction to others. Prayer: Lord, open our ears to hear Your voice. Raise prophets who boldly proclaim Your truth and lead us in righteous paths. May Your will be done through their words. Amen.

Day 4: The Gift of an Evangelist (2 Timothy 4:5) Evangelists passionately share the gospel, reaching out to the lost with the good news of Jesus Christ. They have a burden for the unsaved and are essential for bringing growth to the church. Reflect on ways to share your faith and bring others into the joy of knowing Christ. Prayer: Lord, we thank You for evangelists who passionately share Your gospel. Fill them with your Spirit, give them opportunities and courage to speak of Your saving grace. Help us all to be witnesses of Your love. Amen.

Day 5: The Gift of a Shepherd/Pastor and Teacher (1 Peter 5:2-3) Shepherds or pastors care for the spiritual well-being of the congregation, offering guidance, comfort, and oversight. Teachers instruct and help deepen the understanding of God’s Word. Reflect on how God might use you to nurture and teach others in your community. Prayer: Gracious God, bless those who shepherd and teach Your flock. Grant them patience, wisdom, and love as they care for and instruct Your people. Help us all to support and learn from them, growing together in our faith. Amen